Jay's Another Memory

oh, god.. i just left one week. 본문

English (영어, 英语)

oh, god.. i just left one week.

JayL 2013. 1. 30. 02:03

Whenever, If i didn't determine the deadline, so my working time got longer than had deadline. 

maybe much of person also like me. 

so this time, i entered for the OPIC test on Feb 6, Oh my God.. 

It was 10 days ago, maybe i was crazy. how to bring as my poor english just entered it? 

but in that time, i have thought like "wow, it still left 10 days". 

and now i just past 3days, how about i am now? 

i memoraized some answers for questions, but because oral test may changed any moments, so it's so much to memoraize whole questions.


you are right the past of wise man, actually there is no royal road to learning speed.
