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목록English (영어, 英语) (29)
Jay's Another Memory
원서라고하면 어렵게 생각하지만, 옥스퍼드 출판사에서 나온 영어 단어기초가 부족한 사람도 읽을 수 있는 책이 있다. 1. 문법 2. 읽기 3. 말하기 4. 듣기 쓰기는 얘기가 안나오는것 같다 보통 위 방법들중 어떤게 먼저인지 고민들 하는데 내 생각에는 약간의 기초라도 있는 상황에서는 아래의 순서가 아닐까 싶다. 1. 읽기와 듣기 = 쉬운 단어의 리딩 통해 문장 구조나 사용법 등 익숙해지기. 그리고 아이가 처음 계속 들으며 말문이 터져나오듯 집중해서 계속 듣기. 이때의 듣기는 이해 갈때까지 반복이 좋은것 같고, 읽기도 반복이 좋을거 같은데 지루하므로 적당히 반복하고 다른걸 봐도 될것 같다.. 어차피 쉽게 나온 책도 많으니 .. 2. 말하기 = 어느 정도 읽기와 듣기를 하다보면 아마 말하고 싶어질것이다. 이때..
Tangled 2010 by Disney English subtitle. 라푼젤 영문자막입니다. 다른 곳에서도 몇개 보았는데 1페이지부터 다소 틀린게 있는것도 보였는데이건 말이 거의 맞는것 같네요.. 참고하세요~~ -------------
Tomb Raider 2018 by Roar Uthaug _ english subtitle i think it made with very easy english. if play few some, it would be helpful to your english.
Do to others as you would be done by. Why do you make efforts commonly, don't want to live commonly! Today, which was proved to be fruitless, is the day that the daed in the past was longing for. There is no Destiny. Do today what you could do tomorrow. Practice makes perfect. The future depends on what we do in the present. I'm a slow walker, but i never walk back. The first step is always the ..
흔히들 얘기하던, 국민의, 국민에 의한, 국민을 위한이 등장한 연설 입니다. Of the people: 국민의By the people: 국민에 의한For the people: 국민을 위한 ------------------------------------------ * 위키피디아: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EA%B2%8C%ED%8B%B0%EC%A6%88%EB%B2%84%EA%B7%B8_%EC%97%B0%EC%84%A4 * 실제 연설문이 포함된 뉴스 기사: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/Gettysburg_Address%2C_New_York_Times.jpg-----------------------------------..
let's simplify today. the first one what the impression thing i heard today is the story of Sun Hyun-woo who became to can speak many of lanauges just with his passion and motivation. also he was a strenuous person all part of his life in my sight as know through the internet and his website. the secondary one is about i watched one video and it was made by KBS what korea Broadcast s... system(?..
the exercise of tenses## ~~규칙(습관)적으로 무슨 일을 함 ;;;; 아님 그냥 무슨일을 함~1. 단순현재 - Simple Presenti don't eat breakfast everyday, but i eat lunch and dinner everyday. i don't eat pork. (돼지고기를 계속 먹어오지 않음)2. 단순과거 - Simple PastBut actually i ate breakfast yesterday, after then, i ate the lunch and dinner as times goes by.3. 단순미래 - Simple Futurei heard to eat breakfast is good for health, so i'll eat breakfa..
i saw the some words when i've prepared for open recuritment at this march. because many person said that most atitude test of usual company same with samsung's, so i bought a book for test. and there was a good sentence, therefore i'm gonna try to express in english. it is from the institude mind of samsung. "if we just maintain the level of now, it mean to we are going to death." oh.. i just f..
i've laid and writing this diary in my bed. at first, i guess there are no one who visit my blog usual, but i'm gonna say my first result of examination. i got a IM2 just under study about 2weeks at first test. but i'll keep going study to IH level. nowadays i've been studying about tense of verb and i think i've gottan 30percent of it. maybe,, after finshed this quest, i was supposed to i'll le..
two days ago, i registered a one of internet letcure for prepare OPIc on credu. above all, their lecture would be refund 50% fee if i can do continous to end with their progress everyday. it was why i selected it.if i could have return 50% of fee, it mean that i got a chance to test as cheaper than orignal OPIc fee. after we had a exercise exam like OPIc, and today started officially. and then i..
스토리텔링 = 발화량 = 회화능숙도... 오픽에서는 다 같은말이라고 생각한다. 회화에서도 같으려나? 시나공오픽 서적 관련 기사를 보다가 이런게 있어서 오려왔다. IL - 1분에 30단어 이하, 즉 3문장 정도IM - 1분에 50~80단어, 즉 5~8문장IH - 1분에 100단어 이상, 즉 10문장 이상AL - 1분에 150단어 이상, 즉 15문장 이상 즉, 1문장에 보통 10단어정도가 들어간다고 보며, 3~5문장= IL, 5~8문장을 말할 수 있으면 IM이라는 거다. 그리고 누구나 말하는데, 문법적인 실수는 그냥 넘어가는게 낫고, 말이 계속 이어지게 하는것과, 또한, 말이 "기승전결"이나, "발단-해결시도-결과" 뭐 이런식으로 차례차례 나열하는게 좋다고 한다. -- 실제, IM3(높은거)와 IH의 차이는..
He / play / the piano 1. 단순현재형: he plays the piano. - 그는 피아노를 (평소에) 친다.2. 단순과거형: he played the piano. - 그는 피아노를 쳤었다.3. 단순미래형: he will play the piano. - 그는 피아노를 칠 것이다. 4. 현재진행형: He is playing the piano. - 그는 피아노를 (지금) 치고 있는 중이다.5. 과거진행형: He was playing the piano. - 그는 피아노를 (전에) 치고 있는 중이었었다.6. 미래진행형: he will be playing the piano. - 그는 피아노를 (미래에) 치고 있을 것이다. 7. 현재완료형: he has played the piano. - 그는 피..
today is quite tired day. like u know, i flowed away mother's birthday. therefore i feel a little tired more than usual. anyway, today something what i will say is also about method of english study. i'm very sorry about i said about why i say, but it's like a reason what you need to know as my thought. ah, if i have to evaluate my english level, maybe i'm same with Korean middle school students..
Tomorrow is mother's birthday. i knew this just before hours ago yesterday. because nowadays i am thinking about how many things parents had sacrificed theirselves for their children repeatedly in spite of myself. so sometimes i hesitated in front of what i'll buy something, because the something what i'd just bought it on, to parents, it is not easy so much like me. and now i'm thinking about h..
Whenever, If i didn't determine the deadline, so my working time got longer than had deadline. maybe much of person also like me. so this time, i entered for the OPIC test on Feb 6, Oh my God.. It was 10 days ago, maybe i was crazy. how to bring as my poor english just entered it? but in that time, i have thought like "wow, it still left 10 days". and now i just past 3days, how about i am now? i..