Jay's Another Memory

20121224 it is the day of Chrismas Eve, but.. 본문

English (영어, 英语)

20121224 it is the day of Chrismas Eve, but..

JayL 2012. 12. 24. 23:55

today is chrismas eve.

i'm unemployed for a weeks, even if i don't have to go work, but i still should do a lot of things. it is not small things. 

i did go cousin's marrage on yesterday, and today is chirsmas eve therefore i thought what i can't study too. and tomorrow is a long awaited of Chrismas,,, D-Day.. so maybe also i can't hold the rein over my mind on tomorrow.

i just have to go study hard, for study hard, first, i have to be the man of strong and like tree or mountain somethings.

anyway,, i need strong autosuggestion now like my blog's subject.

i more and more concentrate on my english study, and i should forget all anniversary to catch a good job.


* BE unemployed for [기간] : [기간]동안 실직 상태인/ 백수인.

* hold the rein over ONE's mind: 들뜬 마음을 잡다.      

# rein = 고삐 ;;  rein over = 고삐를쥐다. --> 통제하다 

* a long awaited: 대망의 (오래 기다린)

* concentrate on sth: ~에 집중하다.   ( = focus on)                        

# 연상1: con cent rate = 콘을 먹기 위해서는 가격(cent) 종류(rate:비율)에 집중을 하여 고른다.

# 연상2: 칸 센트렛! - 독일 축구선수 칸이 강하더래(쎄드랫) = 쎈 이유는 골키퍼가 집중을 하기때문!

* anniversary: an  ni  + ver sa  + ry      ( = a memorial day)

# 애니 벌쓰 리 = 애니라는 아이의 생일이 또(re) 돌아오다. 기념일이 또 돌아오다. --> 기념일

# 유사: celebration(기념 행사)  ; hold a celebration(축하연을 열다) ; in celebration of~ (~을 축하하며) 
